sábado, 25 de dezembro de 2010

Do you believe ?

Now, i'm asking me : i really believe in the people ? Honestly i don't know in what i really must to believe and trust, but i'm felling that people is always say things that is lie, but we wanted to believe that these words is true, we and we alwyas try to believe in these words and we start to find something inside us that can finish with the afraid that we have about feelings, about the love, about the people. but, when we start to believe in the words, we start to be happy and also we start to close ours eyes for the true,for the reason, and so we only see what we want to see and believe in what we want believe. So the time is going by and the words will be broken, the promisses is broken, and our heart will be broken too. We finally could open our eyes and to notice that our reason always is the better than our heart, because after some time we find the lies, and so we care more with our feeling and we noticed that is most better to close our heart and don't to feel, don't to love and  the most important : don't believe in the words and don't wait nothing about anybody, because the true is that everybody lie.  (:

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